Well, that explains it.

Well, that explains it.

My new BFF and I talked lots about women this weekend … issues women face, why women are the way they are, things that make us angry about women, etc. In the midst of our conversations, I gained a bit of knowledge about how those supermodels/movie & TV...
A Smashing Weekend!

A Smashing Weekend!

Well, it’s over. I have mixed emotions … happy & thrilled at how everything turned out, sad to say good-bye to my new BFF, Nicole Johnson, and anticipation about next year. Oh, and did I mention, a little exhaustion. When I think I might be able to...


(La Petite Belle as Sarah Jessica Parker in her “Square Pegs” role) It took four weeks. But, La Petite Belle was finally able to go and see “Alice in Wonderland,” which she had pestered the whole family about seeing for the entire four weeks....
I Just Love This Girl.

I Just Love This Girl.

Remember I told you about our Easter production, “Stones”? I found La Petite Belle’s stone. Crazy that I even found it, but it was just right there on top. Although she was supposed to write what the stone was that was keeping her from God’s...