My new BFF and I talked lots about women this weekend … issues women face, why women are the way they are, things that make us angry about women, etc.
In the midst of our conversations, I gained a bit of knowledge about how those supermodels/movie & TV stars/rock stars/anyone with money in L.A. lose all their baby fat so quickly.

And, I thought you would be delighted for me to pass it on to you.

Trust me. You will be happy I shared this bit of info with you. Feel free to pass it on to your friends. It will make us all feel a little better about ourselves.

So, how does one go from ginormous to petite so quickly weeks after those babies?

Heidi Klum – six weeks after her last baby. She then walked the runway eight weeks later.

Gisele just weeks after her baby. Look at her tummy in that second picture. Really? That tummy’s tighter than my tummy was at six years old.

Now, I’m not saying these particular models have done this, but …

the trend in Hollywood is called a C-Tuck. (Look it up.)

Let me explain, and as I explain, know that had I known that this was a possibility and if I had had an endless supply of money at that time, I may have considered doing this myself. Dang, those regular twenty-two hour labors!

I should have done the C-Tuck … a procedure that is scheduled in the eighth month of pregnancy because, as we all know, in the ninth month, that’s when you get those horrendous stretch marks (hence why models & movie stars don’t have any). A C-section is then performed in that eighth month and directly afterwards all that fat is suctioned out and a tummy tuck is done.

That really does explain a lot.

Most celebs credit breastfeeding as the answer to how they lost weight so quickly. (I researched it because I know you trust me to report accurate information.)

Uh … yeah … almost everyone breastfeeds and almost everyone is not in a size 4 or 6 the week after they give birth.

Do you think we’re stupid or something?

Just stop trying to convince women that it’s a possibility for them to look the way you do by simply breastfeeding and even adding in a little exercise (which most of us don’t do immediately anyway because we’re exhausted). It’s not gonna happen that quickly and, frankly, it’s unhealthy.

And, just go ahead and admit you’ve done it. We understand. You’re in the entertainment industry. You need to look good. But, don’t say you look the way you do from not eating bread and exercising. We know better.

I love love love that Kourtney Kardashian just came out and busted OK! magazine for photoshopping her belly after she posed just weeks after her delivery. Good for you, Kourtney. She posed for the cover thinking she would give women a more realistic view of post-pregnancy weight loss.

The first pic is her real pic … belly = normal size after baby. Second pic = photoshop.

Whew! Just had to share this because honestly it made me feel a little better about my marked-up jelly belly and I hope it makes you feel a little better about yours.