(La Petite Belle as Sarah Jessica Parker in her “Square Pegs” role)

It took four weeks.

But, La Petite Belle was finally able to go and see “Alice in Wonderland,” which she had pestered the whole family about seeing for the entire four weeks.

However, the only reason it took four weeks was because of La Petite Belle.

Each Monday we set the goal of seeing the movie as one of our family night activities, but by Friday, it was blown due to one stomach ache, and two behavior issues.


And, of course, it was just your typical Tim Burton weirdo movie. I did enjoy the beauty of the film. Wonderland was definitely cool.

But, as for the rest of it … eh, just OK for me.

The rest of the weekend involved lots of yardwork and trying to get my house together and ready for a long week.

I may not be around the blogging world this week or may just pop up for a minute.

I’ll be spending all my days and nights at the church decorating and rehearsing for our women’s conference. Nicole Johnson arrives on Thursday and, like I said, we’re bound to be best friends by Sunday.

So, until then, my nerves are on edge and I’m drowning in last-minute details.

Pray for me (or more importantly … pray for Beau and the children).