Well, it’s over.
I have mixed emotions … happy & thrilled at how everything turned out, sad to say good-bye to my new BFF, Nicole Johnson, and anticipation about next year. Oh, and did I mention, a little exhaustion.

When I think I might be able to take a little time off … nope, not gonna happen. There’s always something else just around the corner.

The weekend began with a Thursday night ball where women dressed like princesses complete with tiaras.

(My fellow princesses)
(My Prince Charming)

Ladies were escorted through an enchanted forest complete with live butterflies into an area for photos. After photos, they entered the grand ballroom, with more decorations and were served dinner.

The night included live music and drama, videos, a comedian, and a message.

I spoke about negative images and labels that we and others put upon us and how we’ve exchanged the truth of God for the lie of the world. When we choose to believe the lie of who the world says we are, we reject the truth of who God says we are as daughters of the Most High King.

I had examples written on a large mirror of what we say about ourselves daily and the things we see when we look in the mirror that we complain about. We can’t allow these things to define who we are. We are not any of these things and it’s time as women of God that we break these images so as to never see them again.

(This was a difficult task for me when considering my fear of biscuit cans, but I did it anyway.)
(a closer look)

The next night was an incredible night of worship, live dance, and, of course, Nicole Johnson. She is simply amazing. I am in awe of the anointing God has on her.

I can’t wait to show you better pictures, but as of yet, I only have this one from our Saturday morning breakfast session where Nicole spoke again. At this point in the weekend, my eyes were mere slits, making getting contacts in almost an impossibility. But, I made it on only about four hours of sleep.

Saturday morning included a silent auction benefiting a local charity and a shopping market with local vendors & artists. I treated myself to quite a bit of goodies after my husband said I deserved it. Yes!

Nicole, once again. spoke for all four of our weekend services. People were moved and responded to dropping their rocks of judgement.

Overall amazing weekend! I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

Now, the kitchen is a mess and my girls don’t have clean uniforms for school tomorrow or lunchmeat for sandwiches. This princess must get to work.