La Petite Belle was very weepy after school yesterday. I chalked it all up to not enough sleep. Getting back into this school-routine thing is hard, especially after staying up ’til the wee hours of the night all summer.
She cried over not being able to have a piece of cheese.
She cried over forgetting her reading book at school.
And she cried over not knowing her flash cards fast enough. (In her words, she’s “only in second grade.” I mean … what do I expect? Gee Whiz.)
She continued crying after she was done with her flash cards. 
I hugged her for a little while as the crying continued for a little longer.
“Why are you still crying? What is your deal? What’s going on with you?” I asked
She shrugged her shoulders, and said, “I don’t know. I don’t know why I’m crying.”
And then, this … “Sometimes you just seriously have to cry.”
Uhhhh …  you’re in second grade, kid. You’re seven. What in the world do you “just seriously have to cry” about?
And she cried a little longer while I held her. She proceeded to tell me about how tough her teacher is going to be this year by going through all the lists of rules and how many chances she can get before she gets a demerit, detention, and as she said, “expension and expelsion.” No more warnings, she says. So, I told her if she just follows the rules she won’t have to worry about any of that. She settled down after that.
But, whew … this is what we have to deal with on a regular basis. Remember this drama? And this one? And for all the stuff she comes up with, just go to the sidebar, under “stuff my kids say or said.” I promise that you will not be disappointed. She’s always ON.

How will Beau deal with the drama to come? The lone man in this house of women, including Roxy Belle (the dog), with her own set of issues.