This was definitely a stretch.

This was definitely a stretch.

This past weekend was extremely hectic, which was the contributing factor in my not blogging yesterday and that there were no clean towels in the house (drying off with a hand towel = not easy). Our annual Christmas production happened six times over the weekend. Add...
Judgement-Free Zone

Judgement-Free Zone

So, I joined a fitness club yesterday. I’m not a big fan of dishing out money for something like exercising. I figure if I won’t even walk out my front door to run, or simply pop in a DVD and work out, what makes me think I’ll drive to work out...
New Discovery

New Discovery

You could read the Bible cover-to-cover every year and still find things you’ve never read before or the verses mean or speak to you in a different way than before. In reading last night, I found this gem. For who do you know that really knows you, knows your...
Christmas Nostalgia

Christmas Nostalgia

I love Christmas. If you’re a Christian, and you don’t love Christmas, there’s just something wrong with you. Just sayin’. How can you not love a celebration involving our Savior? Anyway … I have great memories of Christmas from when I...
Oh, what a night!

Oh, what a night!

Last Friday, we hosted our annual Ladies’ Christmas Party.  This year’s theme: Vintage Couture Christmas It really was a fabulous night. We pulled off an awesome fashion show, featuring ladies from our church, featuring two local shops. Some of the ladies...