So, I joined a fitness club yesterday.
I’m not a big fan of dishing out money for something like exercising.
I figure if I won’t even walk out my front door to run, or simply pop in a DVD and work out, what makes me think I’ll drive to work out somewhere else. It’s actually less convenient, right?
But, when a deal comes along like this, it’s hard to pass up: $1 to sign up, $10 a month, no contract.
Pretty much a no-brainer. And, the club is only 10 minutes from my house.
So, I did it.
Then, I convinced a friend of mine to join in and to hold me accountable for actually going several times a week.
From the first moment I walked into the club, I knew this was my kind of club.
This sat on the counter (in two buckets).
I’ve never been to a club that offered free candy at the check-in counter.
Not only are there free Tootsie Rolls, but also this.
Could you read that? There’s a Pizza Night and Bagel Morning.
Now, I understand why the guy that signed us up was a little chunky and the club’s slogan is “we’re a judgement-free zone.”
Don’t judge me because I run for an hour, but then eat three pieces of pizza or grab a Coke out of their cooler (yeah, Coke in a gym cooler).
But, I’m convinced that this will work.
Wish me luck.
I’ll start soon. Maybe Monday … maybe after Christmas or New Year’s.
NO! I’m starting tomorrow.