Not you. Me.
I’m the vain one. I just thought that was a catchy title.
I truly am vain.
You see, I can’t see. Literally. Can’t see.
As in, I need glasses or contacts. When I say “need,” I mean I see nothing but blurred, freakish faces without my glasses or contacts. But, my contacts, which have to be specially made (told you), are giving me problems, making me resort to wearing the ‘ol glasses.
I hate wearing glasses. Hate. it.
I feel like I don’t look good in them. I’m not saying that to get you to say that I do. Just hear me out.
There are people that look good in glasses. In fact, some I would say might even look weird without their glasses on and I love the way they look with glasses.
For example:

Funny lady

And, my favorite …

These women look great in glasses. Not just great … gorgeous.
In fact, I think more about my dorky appearance with glasses, or what I’m going to wear from day-to-day, or how I’m going to fix my hair, than I do about the things that really matter.
What’s worse is my heart.
My heart truly is wicked and evil above all things. I can’t honestly say that I even desire some of the things I should … the things that God tells me I should desire. My heart says NO.
The desire for a 24″ waist far outweighs my desire for a “gentle and quiet spirit.” It really does, no matter how hard I try to want it.
I know that’s what I should desire, but my flesh is way too selfish for that.
My flesh says I am the most important thing in my life.
Oh, Jesus … I’m appalled by my own self-centeredness. Forgive me. I truly want to desire what I should. The only truth I know is that You are the only Truth, You are the only Way. I can do nothing without You. Purify me, God. Make my heart Your heart.
This really did start out as a post just about my glasses.