I think I have been typecast.
Yes, typecast.
As a mean, bitter, old woman … a part I will play in this year’s Christmas production.
For some reason, people see me in this role, like it’s a natural thing for me.
I am a very misunderstood woman.
Let’s get one thing straight … I am not mean. I am not bitter. And, I am definitely not old.
On the contrary, I’m quite nice.
When I’m not in a hurry, I let cars pull out in front of me.
When I see people in the grocery store, I only run and hide when I’m donning that just-rolled-out-of-bed look or the person being seen tends to talk too much.
When those annoying vendors in the mall ask me if they can ask me a question or if I have a minute, despite my efforts to not make eye contact, I don’t ignore them, but say, “No, thank you,” and keep walking.
I’m sure there are many more examples of my niceness. Many more. I wouldn’t want to overwhelm you.
I share the same sentiments as one of my favorite movie characters, Ouiser Boudreaux.

Yes, I’m just as pleasant. If I may be so bold, I dare say, MUCH more pleasant.
So, the next time, I’ll take the role of the sweet, quiet, demure, young woman.