Just in case you didn’t hear about it, it was Earth Day yesterday.

I celebrated by:
Drinking my skinny caramel latte from a recyclable cup (but then threw the cup in the trash)
Carpooled for lunch (in a larger, less fuel-efficient vehicle than my own)
Intended to save fuel by planning evening with minimal driving, while considering family’s schedules (ended up traveling more than normal … long story)
K Belle took 2-minute shower to save 180 gallons of water (while I filled the tub to relax in the jacuzzi)
Baby steps. Baby steps. 
Don’t send me hate-mail. I am really trying. For real, ya’ll.
I’ve been doing small things like, using my re-usable shopping bags, instead of those plastic bags you get at the store. Look at these … how cute! Go here to get them & the rest of the website is also fabulous.
I’ve limited my drinking from plastic water bottles.
K Belle has been a huge help by turning off all lights in the house all the time. We basically live in the dark.
I try to pay most by bills online and go paperless.
Bought this incredible cleaner that smells divine and is chemical-free, all-natural, & earth-friendly. Once you try it, you’ll never want to buy 409 or Lysol again.
Seriously, try it. Go here, there’s a cleaner for everything.
What are you doing?