Hence not having anything relevant to say …
Hence the bullet points …
* Did I mention I cut bangs? Nothing like being original. I mean, no one’s getting bangs cut right now, right? Actually, I look the same.

* I did attempt to run on the beach this morning, but had to default to the bike path on the road, while dodging seagulls and pelicans (all trying to peck my eyeballs out like they did in Hitchcock’s “The Birds”).
* In addition, I did run after eating an entire box of Milk Duds and burger and fries. Totally appropriate.
* All day, the two songs I couldn’t get out of my head were: “Hotel California” and “If You Like Pina Coladas.” Weird. Which then made me think of the whole backward-masking thing. Remember that? Isn’t “Hotel California” evil or something?
* Standing outside, looking at the beach, and the wide expanse of sky, made me realize how small I really am (in reference to God, not in general).
* My feet lived up to their task today as “the prop.” As you can see, they are screaming for some type of compensation.
* Random unflattering picture of guy in background with his dog (really it’s my friend, Tiffany’s husband, Rhett). He’s fasting and he’s not usually mysterious, but he can’t talk about it.

* Beau’s neck

* I ate one of the best steaks ever last night made by Tiffany’s dad … ingredients: steaks, olive oil, salt & pepper. He says, “The secret’s in the heat.” Two words: cast-iron skillet.
* After cooking with his Le Creuset pots, I surely want one. Maybe two.
* Four-hour drive today back home. Boo.