My friend, Jodie, has been posting about her experience at a nearby B & B. You should go over and read. She’s a hoot. And her experience made me remember my similar experience, which I don’t think I’ve ever shared with you. Prepare to be enlightened.

Let me first start by saying that staying at a B & B is not one of my favorite things. Give me a good 5-star hotel any day.
To stay at a B & B in southern Louisiana is even worse.
Now, let me just say that the B & Bs in Louisiana are gorgeous and are usually part of a plantation home or some sort of historical home. That part is wonderful … exploring the grounds and learning all about the home through the tours.
But, with all that, there are inevitably ghost stories at every home. The “ghosts” are usually former plantation owners, family, or soldiers.
Beau and I arrived late in the evening after we had enjoyed an incredible dinner at one of the plantations down the road from where we were staying … one of the best meals I’ve eaten. It was a perfect anniversary meal.
Now, off to the cottage. We were going to do the tour of the large plantation home the next morning. We stayed in a cottage behind the house.
We arrived late in the evening. 
Another thing you should know about Louisiana plantation homes is that most of them are placed across from the Mississippi River. So, it was dark with a veil of fog over the entire area. Already a little spooky.
See … there’s the Mississippi.
But, hey, I’ve got Jesus. I ain’t scared. Nothing can harm me.
We get to the cottage and there’s nothing around but a couple of other cottages and woods. Not much light either. 
They look way better in the daytime.
The cottage is old, with creaky floors and antique furniture. The claw-foot tub was freezing. 
After I’d enjoyed the fruit and cheese tray and was lounging on the couch while Beau took his shower, I noticed a small journal-type book on the coffee table. Of course, I picked it up to look at it.
The book was filled with letters and notes from previous guests and their experiences in the cottage. I read page after page after page about how these guests saw or felt a ghost that lived in one of the bedrooms. HUH? WHAT?
Remember … I’m a Jesus-follower. In the words of C & C Music Factory, “I’ve got the power.” I should have no fear. I can quote you lots of Scriptures about fearing not.
However, this made me a little jittery.
And, what made me even more jittery was the fact that after reading some of these journal additions to Beau, he proceeds to yell out, “Ghost, bring it on!”
I freak out and say, “Stop it! Are you crazy? Great. You just invited in a ghost.”
I was not happy with this.
By the time we finally got to sleep, of course, I couldn’t sleep. I mostly prayed all night and rebuked any ghosts. I tossed. I turned. I kept sweating. I kept sweating, but refused to get out from under the massive weight of the down comforter. I heard lots of creaks and strange noises, but refused to open my eyes, that were squeezed shut. I think I may have not slept a wink.
Beau, on the other hand, slept like a baby. Turkey.
And that’s the reason why I don’t and will not stay at B & Bs.