What a happy song! What a happy time when I sang this song over and over again with my little girls as they made up their own things that could happen on a bus “all through the town”!
But, as I think about the possibility of my oldest child riding the bus to high school next year, I cringe.
I think about my own experience on the bus in a younger, safer era, like the ’70s … um … OK, so maybe it really wasn’t that “safe” of an era when you think about it, but let’s move on.
I don’t remember there ever being an option not to ride the bus when I was younger. Private schools were few and far between and I was the only child of one hard-working single mom.
I still drive by the apartments we lived in and see the very spot in front of the row of mailboxes where I stood each morning in my Jordache-like jeans to get on that bus. I have fairly good memories of that bus. Really not many memories, except for the Journey songs that played over the speakers, so I guess that’s a good thing.
What I do remember is how responsible I was at such a young age. In 2nd grade, I would be dropped off at that same spot in the afternoon, let myself into our apartment, fix myself cheese & peanut butter on saltines, do my homework, and watch Scooby Doo until my mom soon arrived home from work. She was a nurse and worked the 7-3 shift. Perfect hours so that she could be home with her daughter.
Then, as I got older (the ’80s), the bus ride experiences just got worse. Junior high … ugh. There was so much teasing, not so much with me, but with everyone. There were definite bullies who always seemed to sit at the back of the bus. Wonder why?
That poor bus driver. How was he supposed to know what was going on? And, that’s what I think about for today. How can one person, driving a bus, monitor that many kids? They just can’t. There’s no way.
It always seemed like bad things went on on the bus. Even from me. I would sneak make-up onto the bus to wear to school because my mom wouldn’t let me wear it. Yeah, a little rebellious, wouldn’t you say? I got it good one day when she surprised me and picked me up early from school and I had make-up all over my face. I was dumb.
In 8th grade, I transferred to a private school that offered bus service. We lived quite a distance from the school, so it was extremely convenient.
I can remember lots of trouble to be gotten into on that bus too. In fact, I think, at that time, I was one of the ones sitting in the back of the bus. I didn’t get into any trouble. But, low and behold, that was the one bus ride where one of the boys in the back mooned passers-by, sticking his naked booty out of the window. This was a Christian school, mind you. Some of the worst things happen at Christian schools. I’m here to testify to that.
If that kind of stuff goes on on a bus filled with little Christians, who’s to say what can go on on a bus filled with little non-Christians? I just keep thinking about this video:
My dilemma is this: Wake up at the crack of dawn (because high school starts at 7:10 a.m., and lets out at 2:10 p.m.) and try to get K Belle to school on time. I’m not a fan of this idea.
Let go of my death grip and let her ride the bus like most kids.
Still thinking. I definitely have time to think, seeing as this is like a year away. But, you know, Mama has to get her ducks in a row. Come on, my Louisiana peeps with kids who ride the bus, give me a shout-out.
Did you ride the bus?