Here it is in all its glory … my new layout. Thanks, Jackie. You did an amazing job.
The winner of the $10 Sonic gift card is Daiquiri (not the drink, the lady), from Call Her Blessed. Here’s what she said about poop:
Daiquiri said…
I’m reassured that I’m not the only blogger writing about poop πŸ˜‰ I guess it just comes with mommy territory. I agree though – much easier to deal with when they’re tiny and sweet and snuggly (the kid, that is…not the poop).
This post has great timing. My little guy (20 months) walked up to me today and did the little hand motion he does when he has a diaper full of unpleasantness. I squeezed his diaper a bit…didn’t feel anything. So I grabbed the back of his diaper to take a peek…and realized that I’d just stuck my finger in a substance that…well…fingers shouldn’t be stuck in.
It was my first poop gag as a mommy. Big day.
Hope the little tummy in your house is feeling better πŸ™‚
The winner of the free header from Jackie is my real-life friend, Amber,Β from Random Musings of a Stay-at-Home Mom.
And for all of your information, I would have never worn it to the pool in its current condition. I bought a plain solid black bikini bottom. Thank God for the swimskirt that covers it.
On to other things …
Got some great pictures taken. Here’s a few of my favorites.

Any if you locals want to get some incredible pictures taken, contact this lady.