If you were around in the ’90s, you remember “Glamour Shots.”
It was located in most malls enclosed by glass walls where everyone that was at the mall could see in at the glamourousness that was taking place.
Not only did you gain some lovely overly-filtered photos, but you also got the benefit of having the experts that worked in the shop give you somewhat of a make-over, complete with hats. And, let’s not forget the oh-so-natural poses these professionals put you in.
Here’s the oh-so-popular “I’m just hanging out and casually putting my chin on my fist” pose.
The family “holding the collar simultaneously” pose

The guy who poses with fans and umbrellas because the baseball glove and bat were unavailable.

The awkward wedding photo where the bride holds an apple (so many questions on this one)

And, the weird limp-wrist pose … oh, wait … that’s me … the horror!

Have you been to the Awkward Family Photos site? Hilarious!
Had to throw this one in for the pure creepiness of it. I mean, I owned a few Cabbage Patch dolls, but this is a little extreme. You can’t tell me no one teased this poor girl and why did her mother allow this to happen?

I so wish I could have some re-dos.