Tuesday night, the Belle household went to bed a little disheartened over the election.
Actually, I probably took Romney’s loss the best. I mean … really … it is what it is, people. We can’t change the outcome. All we can do is trust God and pray. That’s it. So, I’m moving on.
However, the next morning proved to be pretty emotional after I relayed the election results to La Petite Belle. We were on our way to school when I mentioned it to her.
I said, “Oh yeah. Obama’s still the president.”
She said, “WHAT?!?!?” And, cupped her head in her hands, exasperated.
I said, “It’ll be OK.,” trying to comfort this child. Tears were starting to well up in her eyes. I told her that God was in control and not to worry.
Her reaction to that statement:
She replied, “But, if Obama stays in office, I won’t be able to go to private school anymore because we won’t be able to afford it because of all the taxes.”


I blame her crushed spirit on her daddy’s love for talk radio, which he listens to every time he is in a vehicle. She’s a captive audience to Hannity, Rush, and O’Reilly. She probably knows way more about politics and politicians than she should for a child her age.

We’ll see if she’s right about those taxes.