Ok, that was a horrible title, but just go with it. I was going for the whole reference-to-Halloween- without-sounding-like-we-actually-celebrate-it feel, which reminds me of this post I read yesterday about Christian bloggers posting about Halloween … totally cracked me up.
The most cool part about this weekend was the fact that K Belle got to help lead worship Friday night at our church’s youth fellowship group.
So. Cool.
She, of course, being a typical thirteen-year-old didn’t and doesn’t ever want her daddy or me to hear her play piano, much less sing. I’m hoping she gets over this soon by realizing that we are her number one fans.

This was part of a text Beau sent out as the band was rehearsing. That’s K Belle on keys and lead vocal. (Yes, Beau says her real name because in real life we don’t refer to each other as our fake blogging names. I know … shocking.)

Again, so proud. So cool.
Also, this weekend the girls dressed up for our church’s annual Jamboree.
May I present Alice in Wonderland (or as La Petite Belle used to call her, Allyson Wonderland), The Mad Hatter, and The White Rabbit.
They got loaded down with a ton of candy that I am frantically attempting to get out of the house by eating. Seriously, this candy has got to go. It’s way too much of a temptation for all of us in this house. 
The Belles + Beau + Candy = Happiness + Guilt + Weight Gain
We spent the rest of the Halloween evening hiding from trick-or-treaters by sitting quietly in the dark, gorging on candy. Good times.
La Petite Belle asked us this for the first time the night before Halloween: “Can we do something we’ve never done before?”
Beau and Me: “What?”
La Petite Belle: “Go trick-or-treating. Because most Christians trick-or-treat.” (Uh … huh?)
We then explained why we don’t, especially the fact that she might see something that would scare her and we want to protect her from that.
(After our explanation) La Petite Belle: “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Do you know this same child had a nightmare that very night and had a horrible time trying to go back to sleep? Geez.
What do you think about Halloween celebrations, whether they’re called “Halloween” or “Fall Festivals?” And, where do you draw the lines? Or is it not a big deal to you?
This should be interesting.