Walls keep us safe.

They keep bad people out. But, they keep good people out too.

Walls look good and can be adorned with all kinds of pretense.

After walls have been up for so long, they’re very hard to tear down.

Every once in a while, you carve out parts of that wall where a select few can see in.

But, then they betray you. They hurt you.

Those open parts are filled back in and that wall is even stronger than before.

You wash your hands of this. It’s over.

Years go by. You forget.

You start to trust again. You WANT to trust again. You’re scared.

You let others see through that wall, even tear the whole thing down.

Then, you pray … pray that you didn’t make the wrong decision.

You continue to question and doubt.

You desperately want to go back and put that wall back up, but it’s too late.

They already know you.

But, in you letting your wall down, they let theirs down too.

They’re just as scared as you are.

Both scared. Both vulnerable. Both trusting.

And, when it all works itself out, and passes the test of time, you really have something of great value … something rare … something treasured.