To all mothers of girls that have not reached the 8-11 year age bracket:  As Richard Marx would say, “Hold on to the Night, Hold on to the Memory …”

I am officially TWEENED OUT! Yeah … I know that’s not a real word, but it’s my blog, and to (mis)quote another great song, “It’s my blog and I can type what I want to …”
K Belle had a slumber party last night with 11 other 8-11 year olds. I will post more about her birthday tomorrow … so much to say and not much time tonight.
Suffice it to say, if I never hear about The Jonas Brothers, Camp Rock, Hannah Montana, stuff 5th-going-into-6th grade boys do, and did I mention The Jonas Brothers (especially Joe), it will be too soon! Yes, I am having major issues with my daughter having an incredible crush on Joe Jonas, at her sweet, young, tender age of 11 … but, more about that tomorrow.
12 screaming, singing, dancing girls
2 crying incidents
1 “Camp Rock” viewing
12 girls making their own pizzas
4 bags of popcorn
1 bowl of Laffy Taffys, Nerds, Shockers, and Sweetarts
4 girls still awake at 4:30 a.m.
20 times of me getting up and saying, “Be quiet and go to sleep.”
2 parents almost called at midnight
Cooking pancakes for all these girls in the morning
Girls waking up at 7:00 a.m. after a night of nearly no sleep
1 cell phone almost confiscated
1 cat fight (and I don’t mean actual cats)
2 hours at the pool – which included 3 scrapes, 2 minor concussions, and 2 kicks in the face
and of course, cake, and ice cream = ONE FANTASTIC PARTY!
And if that all wasn’t enough, here’s what we did tonight with the girls … watched the Hannah Montana 3-D movie on Disney. Talk about fun!

As you can see, Beau can hardly contain his excitement.