At around 6:30 p.m., I carried on a whole conversation with Beau about my plans to lose about ten pounds by Easter. I mentioned that I really needed to set out with a plan soon.
Yeah. I always have plans. Some of them succeed; some … um … not so much.
By 8:00 p.m., I was in the kitchen baking a cake.
In my defense, it was simply to eat the batter. (Like that’s less calories)
  (not saying I didn’t eat any cooked cake afterwards, but the point was always the batter)
I always fluctuate with my eating and exercise. Always.
I can go a few months totally faithful to running, eating right, and even lifting a few weights. Then, I’ll go the next few months eating junk and maybe going on one run a week.
I tend to lack motivation.
So … I’m devising a plan. And this plan will be posted.
It’s accountability I need.
I figure if I let it all hang out and post about my failures and successes, it will help.
The plan starts soon.
I promise to not disappoint you.
Now … maybe one more tiny bite of cake won’t hurt.