Last family picture – 2004
Not kidding when I say cherish every moment. It sounds so cliche’ and when my girls were babies and toddlers, I couldn’t wait for them to be able to do certain things, like potty, eat real food, talk, walk, etc. Oh, how I wish I had those days back, especially the days of rocking them, holding them, singing to them, and them thinking Mom and Dad were the best people in the whole world.

Now, I’m not saying there are benefits and joys from them being older now. I’m just sayin’ treasure it. You can’t get it back. I hate when I can’t remember some of the things about them as babies, especially K Belle. Take lots of pictures and journal.
Family pictures – 2008 (Still working on them for Christmas cards) Just some samples.

Must crop fat rolls.
Love this one.

The silly ones.