When my daughter comes home from school and says that another girl said she can’t play with her because she is not “cool”
Not being able to help my child with her math homework because my math skills go no further than the 5th grade
Mothers that are enablers and think their child never does anything wrong, all while their “angel” child makes “The Omen” kid look like a Christmas elf
The fact that my husband has found a new obsession … Demon Solitaire … that actually made the girls late to school one morning … long story
The constant changing of La Petite Belle’s soccer schedule, which added one more game to our weekend
K Belle’s inability to understand the words “I want EVERYTHING picked up off the floor. EVERYTHING.”
My hair
Roxy Belle’s digestive issues that led her to vomit about a quart of digustingness, right under the dinner table, during dinner
Beau giving my children tap water, or as I call it, “cancer water,” because he hadn’t changed the spring water jug (His response: “So it’s OK for them to have cancer cakes cooked in a cancer oven?” – Translation: Pancakes heated in the microwave.)
How my body has responded to working out after almost a week off due to sickness
The loss of most of my voice (although some may feel the opposite of irritated about that one)
Happy Non-Irritating Weekend!