* Watching my daughter perform in CYT’s, “Godspell.”
(I didn’t love that I only had my phone for pictures.)

Here she is making a goofy face with a few of her friends and cast members, and La Petite Belle.

* Watching La Petite Belle’s soccer team, The Turf Girls, win another game … still #1, still undefeated.
* Splitting Coyote Blue’s fajitas with Beau
* My family allowing me to sleep in for two days
* New Orleans Saints … 8-0. This is a sure sign of the end times. All the way, Saints, all the way!
* A trip with La Petite Belle to Baskin Robbin’s … two kid’s scoops of jamocha almond fudge
* Pure joy from forcing Beau to watch “Dirty Dancing” yet again (It’s fun.)
* The feeling after I finished Kenpo X (not the feeling I had before)
* Taylor Swift on SNL
* The fact that egg nog lattes and peppermint mochas are back at Starbuck’s. Yay Christmas!
Now, back to Monday through Friday.