Last night, Beau and I settled in to watch this Oscar-winning movie, There Will Be Blood. I’m beginning to think that if a movie has won an Oscar, I should not rent it. 

The Oscar win is a sure sign of several things:
1. Weird, annoying music
2. My intelligence will be put to the test.
3. Strange characters
4. It will be super-long, over two hours, for sure.
5. Beau will have trouble staying awake.
This movie was not as bad as most, but it was long … about two-and-a-half hours. After the second hour, I was waiting to see some blood. Beau, of course, was being his over-dramatic self, complaining about how bad the movie was, making loud sighs and sounds, and complaining about how long it was … totally making it worse for me, who was trying to like it, or trying to make myself seem like I like it.
OK, it really wasn’t that bad. The movie is about an early oil man. Daniel Day-Lewis does an incredible job in this role. I think he won the Oscar for this, and rightly so, because he was crazy! I mean, CRAZY! 
The movie does have a good moral message about the love of money. The character basically puts his desire for money and fortune above everyone and everything else. He ends up a lonely, miserable man, who kills another crazy character, the preacher, with a bowling pin. I told you … WEIRD. Sorry about the spoiler. You weren’t really planning on watching it, were you?
I only recommend this movie if you have nothing else to watch and a lot of time on your hands. Otherwise, skip this. 
Instead, see these … my taste is so refined. They were hilarious!