Beau and I put our oldest daughter to a test.

Without getting into any details, let’s just say it involved the giving up of information we were already privy to. I was praying and hoping she would trust us enough to volunteer the information (even though she says now she knew we already knew) even if her hide was on the line.

It was a small test. Nothing major.

But, nonetheless, we wanted her to run to us when she had messed up. And we still do.

Needless to say, she failed miserably.

Days went by until we finally just came out with it. We knew. “Why didn’t you tell us?” We asked.

The excuse: She thought we already knew, so why bring it up?

We all go through tests.

Heck, I’m smack-dab in the middle of one right now. I’ve been taking this test for a while now. I’m ready to be finished with an A+ assigned to the top.

God does test us.

Will we just give up because He already knows about what we’re going through or will we press on, harder than before? Will we doubt His character? Will we trust His Word?

He does the same thing that Beau and I did with our daughter.

He waits to see what we’re going to do.

Will we run to Him or will we rely on our own intellect to figure the situation out?

I choose to run to Him.

I choose to trust Him.

I choose to believe that what He has promised me will come to pass.

I choose to not look at my situation, but to look to the One Who holds my situation, my life in His hands. He is in control.

This is my test. And, I will pass.

James 1:12 – Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life.