Yes, we are stranded at home … at least for the rest of the day.

Schools are closed due to inclement weather, mainly freezing rain.

Roads are closed due to ice. 
Southern Louisianians can barely drive in 74-degree weather, so icy roads would have been a challenge.
Roads closed = No work either.
The whole family at home with really nothing to do is quite enjoyable.
I will be in pajamas for possibly 3 days. That could be one of the best things that has happened in a long time.
A Constant fire burning. Love that.
Hot chocolate for the kids. Coffee for mom. Equally love.
(except for the fact that I ran out of Splenda and had to break the diet by adding a teaspoon of sugar to my coffee … see? stranded, living in the wild)
Movies galore. Up with the girls last night (Boo Hoo … sad and depressing). Then they took Despicable Me upstairs so Mom and Dad could watch Social Network (Not sure who rates these movies, but I would not allow my 13-year-old to watch this movie. I propose someone with decent morals become the new movie-rater.) Red tonight.
It’s funny how these Southern Louisianians can brave a category 5 hurricane, yet my whole city freaks out over ice. My local Albertson’s had no firewood, 2 lbs. of ground beef, 1 can of kidney beans, and a minimal amount of chili seasoning packs. All of Lafayette is having chili tonight (including us) and stockpiling for the long, cold few days.
Beau’s working on our taxes. He’s being quite productive on this cold morning.
The girls are sleeping late.
I guess I could do laundry. A woman’s work is never done. I think I would be correct to say that our jobs are constant, come rain or shine … just like the mailman.

I’m thinking a nap’s on the agenda for sure.
It’s a good day, minus my biggest challenge … staring at the box of Cap’n Crunch in the pantry and not eating any. That makes me sad.
To all my freezing friends, enjoy your days at home!