It’s been a rough day actually. K Belle and I have been disagreeing (nice word for it) on EVERYTHING. I say one thing; she says the opposite, over and over again. How can someone you actually carry in your own body be so different from you? And drive you so crazy sometimes? Today, I was at my wit’s end, mostly over school stuff. After lots of tears, both on her and my part, I still don’t think a conclusion has been reached. 
K Belle,
I just want you to know that I love you more than life. I don’t think you will truly understand this until you’re a mommy yourself. My heart hurts for you sometimes. I pray for you every day, that you will make the right choices and that you will follow God’s lead. Please let me protect you. Please don’t hide stuff from me. Please don’t be afraid to open up your heart to me. I will love you no matter what. I realize you’re just starting to discover who you are, but please just be YOU and don’t fall into the trap of trying to be popular. Most of all, I pray that you fall in love with Jesus. I know you love Him, but I pray you will come to love Him and know Him more.
So, after all our drama today and even the day before, I hear this song. Then, I knew that one day I’m going to wish for these days back, even the bad ones. Thank you Lord for my daughters and help me be a better mommy because today I’m stickin’ it up.

WARNING: If you have daughters, you shouldn’t watch this, unless you feel like blubbering like a baby and committing to spend every waking moment of the next eight years with holding your little girl.


I actually won this CD from Cindy. Thanks a lot, Cindy! (No, really it is great, but I will have to skip over this song every time I listen to the CD.)