Not living in the South, but Southern Living.

Ahhh … Southern Living. It’s the magazine I can’t do without.

I do get other magazines … like, Better Homes and Gardens, which is a close second.
But, let’s face it, people, Southern Living laughs in the face of Better Homes and Gardens, or any other magazine for that fact.
I live vicariously through this magazine.
When I open up this masterpiece of a magazine, I am transported to how life could be if I were (a) crafty, (b) a gardener, (c) a gourmet chef, and (d) had tons of money to spend on either of these aspects of my life.
Case in point:
The cake on the cover.
Looks delicious, doesn’t it? Southern Living does have some of the best recipes I’ve ever tried. And, the photos of these dishes are spectacular and make you think you could create such stunning, delightful fare.
However, when you look at the recipe, you see a small problem. The recipe takes up two entire pages. Two. Whole. Pages. From top to bottom. Seriously?
Don’t believe me? Check here, which is the link for the cake only, not the whipped ganache filling, or the seven-minute frosting, or the candied oranges. Just the cake.
I can say with great certainty that I will not be making this cake. But, I will be making homemade turkey pot pie tonight, with Pillsbury crust, not homemade. And, with canned mixed vegetables, not raw, cooked, chopped vegetables.

And, I also won’t be crafting a centerpiece this extravagant. One candle will have to do.
And, seriously … homemade napkin rings? Who has time for that?
I think this might be a conspiracy against all women. Is Southern Living conspiring against us? Is Southern Living trying to make women feel inadequate because they bake with cake mixes and use paper towels as napkins? Boo, Southern Living. Boo.

But, oh, how I love you.

And, how I wish I could do all of those things in your magazines, while living in one of your showcase houses.

Darn you, Southern Living.

I hate you, but I love you.