My friends mock me because when I give reasons for why I am or am not doing something, I list them as A, B, and C. But, it’s perfectly normal to me to give your explanations in an outline form. And, as one of my English teachers always told me, when you’re making an outline, you must always have a B to go with your A, and better yet, a C.
So, here goes …
Reasons Why I’m Using the Word “Slacker” in This Post:
A. It’s not Sunday.
B. I don’t post on Sunday.
C. I really like this idea and want to use it despite it’s criteria for being done on Sunday
And, the creator (my friend, Jodie), gave me permission to do so. I think she’s started something here. I simply love her and her blog always makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy.
There’s really no rhyme or reason to this. It’s just 6 things. Any 6 things you love. That’s it. Easy. I like easy because A. I don’t have to think much about it, B. It saves me time., and C. Who likes doing things the hard way anyway?

On we go …
Deep soul-searching.
And, I’m not too happy with what I’m finding in there.
“We all fear we aren’t who we are pretending to be.” – Beth Moore

Not just any hat. These little French berets are my favorite. I so wish I could wear them without looking like I just stepped out of the shower and left my cap on (because I always wear a shower cap in the shower … not). I want to wear this beret as I sit outside a French bistro and eat pastries in France, of course … not really. I’m not a fan of France, so maybe, Canada.

The apples. The pumpkins. The weather. Come on, fall!
Nothing classier.
Open Cardigans.
The best piece of clothing invented for anyone who wants to hide anything (a.k.a. baby bellies that are there after 10 years, wider hips, muffin tops, saddle bags, etc.). I have a few of these lovelies … black, cream, multi-colored, which reminds me that I need another one.
Newly sharpened pencils.
So many possibilities.
This is something Jodie does every week and as soon as she figures out how to put Mr. Linky up, the sooner you all can participate. Fun and easy. Go on over. I’m sure she has an awesome post for today too. She never fails me.