In seven days, I will be 37 years old. Boo.

Here’s the questions I have:  Can you still say you’re in your mid-thirties at 37? Or would that be late thirties? (cringe again) LATE THIRTIES! Are you freakin’ kidding me? I can’t be in my late thirties. There’s NO WAY! 
I told Beau this morning that I thought maybe I could still pass for late twenties. He gave me one of those looks and said, “I think you could pass for 37.” OK, forty-something-year-old smarty pants! Shut it!
So, I’m trying to convince myself that all the beautiful women in the world are in their late thirties or older and are so much more beautiful than those young twenty-something-year-old tarts (sorry if you’re that young, just excuse my jealousy).
You may ask … “Who, Mama Belle? How in the world could a thirty-something-year-old be more beautiful than a twenty-something-year-old? Just not possible.”
I’m glad you asked. Let me show you.
I checked out People’s All-Time Most Beautiful Women. These women have appeared in their “Most Beautiful People Issue” the most.
Halle Berry 42
Julia Roberts 41
Jennifer Aniston 39
Catherine Zeta-Jones 39
Angelina Jolie 33
Nicole Kidman 41
Michelle Pfeiffer 50
Demi Moore 45
Jennifer Lopez 39
Don’t see any twenty-somethings on this list, do you?
Here’s a look at some beautiful 37-year-olds (makes me feel better):

OK … now I’m going to put some make-up on.
I’ll try not to be such a big baby and whine about this all week and I’ll try not to post about this most horrible event every day.
(And I did not post this to get you all to say how much I look like I’m 16 … don’t laugh … yes, it’s been said)