I had to work for that title.
Did you know I was leaving? Not on a jet plane, which would be a lot nicer than a Toyota Highlander with two arguing kids in the back seat for 11 hours … but, we’re leavin’. On Saturday evening, we’ll be up somewhere in the Smoky Mountains.
And, don’t think I’m not going to post … because I am.
I will try to give you a blow-by-blow description of every event because I know you will be sitting at your computer anxiously waiting for my next post. (Really, I’m just doing it ’cause I want to.)
We are going skiing, which I have enjoyed in the past, but am now thinking it may be more work than I want to do on my vacation. Should vacations include physical labor? Or pain, for that matter? (And, my skiing skills stink.)
I have an entire day of cleaning and packing ahead of me, but am actually thinking of how I can sneak a nap in. (Beau will not be happy with that statement and will now call me every hour to make sure I’m not getting more sleep than him.)
I haven’t gone grocery shopping because I knew we were going to be out of town. Last night, our dinner consisted of grilled cheese uncrustables, pizza rolls, and fried eggplant. Real healthy. But, it was literally all we had. I have no idea what I will eat today … maybe tuna on hot dog buns (because we have no real bread).
Next time I post, I will be in another state.
My friend, Rachel, has an incredible giveaway combined with an even more incredible opportunity for you. You can be a part of her adoption journey.
You see, Rachel and her hubby, are on their way to adopting a baby from South Korea. I’ve been following her journey for a little while now and her posts about her desires to have this baby always touch me.
Click the button to head over to her blog.
Not only will you have a chance to win some amazing prizes, but help her out with $30,000 worth of adoption fees.
And, if you hurry, the first 50 donators will be in a drawing to win a $15 Starbucks gift card. Giveaway ends March 10th.