I try to save my tenderness for days like today.
Days that are very important to me.
Days that have forever changed my life.
Days like December 16th, 1994.
Wow. Sounds like a long time ago, but only seems like yesterday.
It’s the day I married the perfect man for me.
Is he perfect? By no means. Am I? Absolutely not. But, together we make the perfect team.
To Beau,
You are still the love of my life. And, I can’t imagine my life without you.
In honor of our 16 years together, here are 16 things I love about our marriage:
1. How you’d rather be with me than anyone else in the world
2. How you still make me laugh
3. How you’ll iron my clothes for me on occasion (really like)
4. How much fun we have cooking together
5. The way you still write me love letters
6. The sarcasm
7. How arguments are few and far between (mostly because we agree on a lot and you often see that I’m right most of the time)
8. Saturday morning breakfasts
9. How you believe I can do most anything even when I don’t believe I can
10. Along those lines … your massive amount of encouragement
11. Just sitting on the couch next to you
12. How you’ve never asked me to change or be something I’m not
13. The way you understand me when I’m not understandable
14. The fun we have
15. Having heart-to-heart talks and discovering things we never knew were there before
16. How the mistakes we have made seem to have just strengthened our bond as husband and wife
That was easy!
I could have thought of many more.
I love you, honey! Happy Anniversary!