There was an actual time last night where I had quiet.
Total silence.
No one in the house.
Girls gone. Beau gone.
Just me.
You know what?
I missed the noise.
I missed those little voices calling, “Mommy!”
I missed the music I hear every night from the girls’ bedrooms.
I missed the giggling right before bed.
I missed just knowing my babies were home in their beds, tucked in, safe and sound.
Don’t fret. They’re at camp and I’m sure they’re having a blast.
But, it just made me think of how many days, hours, minutes I have left with them before they’re not in this house every night. 
And I don’t hear their voices. 
And I don’t know that they’re tucked in, safe and sound.
I don’t like that feeling.
I realized this week that two-thirds of K Belle’s life here at home is over. Done. We’re past half-way. We’ve got only about six years left here. Six very important years. My little curly-haired baby is growing up way too fast.
(Couldn’t resist a picture. What a cutie!)

Time continues to be my enemy in every aspect of my life.
God, help me hold onto every minute, every second.