Note the differences:
Picabo can put on her ski boots without a fight. I cannot.
Picabo can walk in her skis up to the ski lift without stumbling. I cannot.
Picabo can stand in the ski lift line without bumping into other people, much less using these strangers as a support. I apparently cannot.
Picabo can get off the ski lift in a graceful manner. I cannot.
Picabo can ski downhill without looking like a pigeon-toed tight-rope walker, just trying to keep her balance. I definitely cannot.
Picabo could, most definitely, stop her own body to help her children if they’ve fallen. I cannot.
Picabo ventures onto the more challenging slopes. I do not.
Picabo is not worn out and sore at the end of one day of skiing. I am.

Here’s my secret: I would have much rather been at the outlet, but don’t tell my family.