Yesterday, I made Pioneer Woman’s Baked Fudge to accompany my first week back on “The Shred.”
Oh. My. Word.
Alone, it was good. But, add homemade whipped cream (exactly 2 1/2 scoops), you get divine. (Then, add the same whipped cream to your coffee … fantastic!)
“The Shred,” Day 4 = Failure … Back to the drawing board. Day 4 will be happening on Day 5. (or maybe 6)
Try the recipe. I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Here are a few of my other discoveries this week that made me smile:
Veggie Straws … I know, kind of sounded unappealing to me too. But, totally addictive. One giant bag almost gone in a matter of 4 days. Think of healthy non-spicy Hot Fries and you’ve got Veggie Straws.
Getting these babies … Aerosole brown boots (only the most comfortable boots you’ve every put on) at an undisclosed discount store (Don’t want you to get them and then we’d have matching boots all over town.) for 21.99, instead of 52.99. This was definitely the favor of God.
Meeting my insurance deductible … Woo hoo! Then, I realized there’s nothing medical needed, which is actually a blessing. However, I’m searching for something I can get done ASAP and hoping massage or facials can be considered a medical necessity. Probably not.
Orleans Candles … Mmmm! Smell wonderful! I was hesitant to try any fragrance that calls itself French Quarter (don’t particularly want my house smellin’ like that), so I indulged in Orleans #9, the signature fragrance. Goodness!
And, lastly, the fact that this popped up when I was looking for an image for Orleans candles. Brilliant album cover, dudes. What were you thinking?
Now, if I could just discover a way to clean my house while sitting on the couch, that would top it all off.