I’m not talking about the 1985 miniseries, which included the fabulous acting stylings of Kirstie Alley and Patrick Swayze. Although this does hold a special place in my heart. Any entertainment where women can wear hoop skirts and carry parasols is a fine piece of artistic work to me.

I’m just talking about what separates us … the North and the South.
There are numerous things I could mention. But, let me just begin with the obvious.
I’m not even sure Northerners eat gravy, but Southerners eat gravy with everything. I’m not a fan of the white gravy. Yuck. Brown gravy is the popular gravy-type where I’m from. Rice and gravy is a staple.
The speech in the South is totally different that of the North. We talk fast and use words that aren’t even words, but we all understand each other … well, most of the time. And, where I live, the Cajun dialect will make you think you’ve stepped into a foreign country. Don’t believe me? Come visit.
OK. This may be a touchy subject. But, honestly, Southerners are just nicer. There … I said it. More welcoming, more friendly (at least that’s been my experience). That’s not to say they can’t be blunt. THEY CAN. But, the manner in which the blunt things are said are nicer. (FYI: I’ve been told I am more like a Northerner in this area. Whatever.)

This Butterfinger commercial describes us to a T … Sweetness with a little bite.
In addition, you get a Southerner angry, and you’d better run for cover. They have strong opinions and guns and they’re not afraid to use either.


In the South, we are taught and teach our children to say “ma’am” and “sir,” and to always address adults with a “Mr.” and a “Mrs.” It’s considered rude and disrespectful if a child doesn’t use these terms. Not so in the North.
Bacon grease
Don’t you know you’re supposed to save that stuff? When I was a child, I remember there always being a bowl of cold, hardened bacon grease in the back of the fridge that would be used in several dishes to come. This made them even more delicious.

There are many, many more. These are just a few for you to consider.

I do love the South. Love.

But, there are also things that I don’t love. I’m sure that’s something both Northerners and Southerners can agree on. There are things we would change in both areas.

I choose to keep my eyes on the good things, the things I delight in.

Northerners, what do you love about the North? I want to know because I honestly LOVE your New York City. It’s one of my favorite places on earth.