Last night, as I’m laying with La Petite Belle a while in her bed, just cuddling and talking, she begins to kiss a little blanket she sleeps with every night. The blanket is from her Mama Lou’s (Beau’s mom) house. Mama Lou left this world for heaven about two years ago.
La Petite Belle says she kisses that blanket every night for Mama Lou.
I said, “Baby, Mama Lou is in heaven. She served God from the time she was a teenager until she died at 79 years old. I hope and pray that you will serve God like she did.”
La Petite Belle: “I will, Mama. Did you always serve God from the time you were young?”
(Sirens start to go off in my head) ALERT! ALERT! DEEP DISCUSSION ABOUT TO HAPPEN! DON’T BLOW IT, MAMA! (I take a deep breath.) Here goes nothin’.
Me: “Well, baby, Mama didn’t really start to serve God until she was 21.”
(This is the start to a great heart-warming, wonderful moment where Mother and child will open up their hearts to one another. Mama will share about how Jesus radically changed her life and child will be touched and moved by such a testimony.)
La Petite Belle: “Did you drink?”
Huh? Did my 8-year-old just ask me if I ever drank alcohol before?
Me: “Yes, baby. I have had a drink before.”
La Petite Belle: (very dramatically) “WHAT? You drank? My own mother drank.” (sighs erupt)
Me: “Baby, listen … drinking a glass of wine or some other type of drink is not sin. It’s when you drink too much. The Bible says to not be drunk with wine. It’s not healthy to drink a lot of alcohol and it’s also very dangerous for people to drink too much for their own safety and the safety of others. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
(She really didn’t. I could really tell I sank a little bit on her list of respected people.)
Beau walks in and I proceed to tell him about our discussion. She then asks Beau the same question and is then equally appalled at his answer that he had drunk beer before … and, by the way, it’s always beer that she talks about. We don’t drink beer or buy beer. (Children’s Church has made quite an impression on her in this area. Remember this post about the same subject.)
Beau reiterates the same things I had just told her.
Along with that same explanation, he tells her that we have some alcohol in the house that we use to cook with and that we put a can of beer in the bratwurst she loves to eat.
She begins to freak out.
La Petite Belle: (starts to cry) “You mean, I drank beer?”
Beau: “No, baby, the alcohol cooks out of it. It’s just the flavoring that stays in the food. The spaghetti sauce you like so much has wine in it.
La Petite Belle: (louder crying) “I drank beer?”
Beau and Me: “No, you didn’t drink beer. It was just used in cooking. The alcohol cooks out. Lots of people use alcohol in cooking. It’s OK. You didn’t drink beer. And don’t go tell anyone, you drank beer because it would be illegal for you to drink beer and Mommy and Daddy could go to jail if we would have ever given you beer.”
La Petite Belle: (even louder crying) “I don’t want you to go to jail.” (louder crying)
Beau and Me: “We’re not going to jail. We’re trying to make you see that you didn’t drink beer and it would be wrong for any parent to give their children alcohol.”
La Petite Belle: (cried for a while, Mama hugged, and the cries kinda turned into giggles)
Me: “Now, there will be times when you’re a teenager, when people will try to get you Β to do things that are wrong, like drink beer and other things.”
La Petite Belle: “Mama, when I throw a party with your permission, of course, and somebody shows up with beer, I’m gonna say, ‘Lose the beer.'”
I guess some good did come out of this moment.