I finally did it.
I bought an apron.
But, before you scroll down  to my pictures, let me warn you.
Objects may appear larger than they really are.
I am not this lumpy (and if you know me, don’t even say a word and don’t you dare make some smart comment).
Note to self: If you’re going to post a picture of yourself, trying to show off your cute, new apron, don’t put it over a big, bulky sweater.

Also, don’t mention the fact that the picture makes you look enormous because your husband will say, “Do you want me to take another picture of you with just the apron on?” (wink, wink)
Seriously, shut up, smarty-pants. (my expression most of our married life)

I also found these little lovelies from Nine West. Me likey.

La Petite Belle’s practical purchase of the day:

K Belle’s cute little GAP shirt dress:

My interpretation of shopping with Beau:

Happy Weekend! 
Think of me making my 11-hour journey back home as you sit in your comfy home. Pray for me.