Getting ready to take about 60 ladies on an overnight Baton Rouge trip this morning.
Editing and publishing a cookbook to be ready to sell the first week of November.
Writing a Christmas production that has gone from some dialogue and a few songs to Radio City Music Hall’s Christmas Spectacular (without the Rockettes … unless something changes between now and our next meeting).
Getting my oldest child to manage to get her homework that she’s spent 2 hours on from the dining room table to her backpack to school and to the teacher’s desk.
Getting my youngest child adjusted to a new soccer team with her coach named, “Bubba.”
’80s Christmas party for 200 ladies … like, totally, jazzed … yet wishing to be gagged with a spoon at the thought of me in leggings.
As far as Beau goes … he’s doing alright, even after my Glenn Beck post.