There are some movies that absolutely changed my life. 
Amazing that images and stories on the big screen can do such a thing.
I’m told that at a very young age, I wept and wept over The Yearling
My mother said I cried for some time and had to be comforted.
I don’t even remember this movie, but apparently it’s about a boy who tries to care for a deer. Any guesses on what happens to this deer? I wouldn’t want to spoil the ending for all of you who are headed on down to Blockbuster to rent it.
Just like a movie can affect your heart in a good way, it can also damage you for years. 
Take these two: The Wizard of Oz and The Exorcist.
When you’re a child, flying monkeys can freak you out. But, even more freaking out can come from the devil himself. I only saw bits and pieces, but what I saw made sleeping difficult for the next 3 years. I try to stay as far away from the devil as possible.
Fear turned into inspiration after seeing The Turning Point and Grease
My dream of becoming a ballerina seemed more attainable. (Not sure if I’ve mentioned my love for ballet. I danced for 11 years and performed in some full-length ballets with the Lafayette Ballet Company. It was a dream that died after I became a cheerleader because that was going to get me so far.) If not a ballerina, I could sing and dance on Broadway for sure. I could sing every song from Grease word-for-word.
Then, there were other song and dance movies to come like Flashdance, FameDirty Dancing, and Footloose … all of which I adored as I got older. (The Sound of Music will always be watched in my home. No discussion.) Musicals were and will always be a favorite here even with Beau’s opposition.
The tears cried for The Yearling pale in comparison to the tears shed for E.T. Ridiculous to me now, but he was kind of a cute little alien.
I also developed my love for Gone with the Wind at an early age. I remember longing for the days when it would come on TV again.
But, the movies that ripped my heart out and stomped on it were the movies I saw as an adult: My Life, Terms of Endearment, Steel Magnolias, Schindler’s List, Forrest Gump, The Notebook, The Passion of the Christ.

And, even more recently, Marley and Me. Yeah, it’s about a dog. So what?
And, what’s with the movie, Up? Um … sad and depressing. I think I got teary-eyed watching it this weekend too.
Any movies change your life? Made you cry? Inspire you? Affect you in any way?
Help a sister out. What am I missing?
I’m having the urge to see some I haven’t, like The Shawshank Redemption. Any ideas?