I wish I had something witty or deep to blog about, but alas …
I have not one complete thought.
My mind is consumed with the upcoming week –

Excited and overwhelmed at the same time!
Excited to meet, hang out with, and hear from the incredible Holly Wagner, plus her husband, Philip to boot.
Excited to worship with the amazing, Christy Nockels.
Excited to see women all praising God with true freedom.
Excited to see women challenged and set free.
Excited to hang out with some pretty incredible women of God.
Excited to just have a fun weekend!
Now that I say all that, it makes the overwhelming part of it so worth it!
So, it’s safe to say blogging has and will be sparse for the next week or so! I may collapse and sleep for an entire day when it’s all said and done.
I hope you can manage without me.
Here’s a little Christy for you…