Let’s start with the good/fun/exciting/cool things that we’ve experienced or seen at home and in the world:  
1. Daphne’s new job (assistant to a hunk of a man)
2. The launch of Crossroads Creative. Check it out if you haven’t already.
3. All the cool places we got to go this year:
Skiing in Gatlinburg, TN…

The Creative Arts Conference at Willow Creek in Chicago…
The Assemblies of God General Council in Indianapolis, IN (sorry, no pic, we were working the Crossroads Creative booth).
Disney World!! (this pic is of the girls after riding the Tower of Terror)…

4. Finishing the bathroom and the pond…

5. The potty-training of Roxy…

(Yeah, this pic is from 2006, but it’s the only one in my laptop.  And yes, she is dressed like a chicken.  If we get more than three replies on this post, we’ll give the explanation.)
6.  Katie’s winning soccer season (her team was 2nd in their division)…
7. Kylie’s acting debuts as two totally different roles, Jairus’ Daughter and the Wicked Witch of the West (Sorry, no pics here, but you can purchase a copy of the 2007 Crossroads Easter production in our bookstore!).
8. The highly-anticipated purchase of the Wii. (If you don’t know what that is, you live under a rock, and you probably don’t have internet, so you’re not reading this blog anyway.).
9. The concerts we attended, Rebecca St. James, with Vicky Beeching, David Crowder Band, and Aly & AJ (Don’t laugh, their “Potential Breakup Song” rocks!)
10. Enchanted and The Game Plan (Do you get the impression that we have young daughters yet?). 
11. Daphne started up a ladies’ aerobics class and Bible study last year and loves them!
12. Wrestling with crazy, superstitious ghost stories at Oak Alley plantation where we stayed for our anniversary and eating at Houmas House (yum!).
13. Daughtry’s “Home” and Daphne’s new love for Michael Buble’
15. iPhone
16. Dancing videos from YouTube:  Check them out – “Dirty Dancing” wedding dance, Big Butts wedding dance, (weird, but entertaining) Inmates “Thriller” dance.
17. Other videos I enjoyed:  Hasselback vs. O’Donnell on The View – Rosie quit 2 days after this.  Love it!! You go, Elisabeth!; Miss Teen South Carolina’s response to why Americans can’t find the U.S. on a map – how ridiculous.
18. The dog that pooped out $600 of the $700 he ate.
18. And, last but not least … Mike Huckabee.
Lame/crazy things:
1. Ridiculous reality series like Clash of the Choirs … puh-lease.
2. Anything and everything involving Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Lindsay Lohan.
3. While I appreciate Al Gore’s concern for the environment, I am sick of hearing about him and his “Inconvenient Truth.”
4. “The Secret”
5. Leona Helmsley leaving $12 million to her dog – absurd!
6. This could go under “sad” category too… Alec Baldwin’s horrendous phone call to his daughter and David Hassellhoff’s drunken stupor caught on tape.
7. Don Imus’ statement about the women’s basketball team
8. Iranian president speaking at Columbia University
9. Guy with tuberculosis traveling overseas and possibly infecting all the people on his plane
10. Michael Vick…’nuff said.
Extremely sad things that should cause us to reflect on our own lives:
1. Shootings at Virginia Tech 
2. Trials at New Life Church
3. ORU scandals and consequent investigations into other ministries
4. David Vitter scandal
Did we miss anything?