If you’ve been a reader of my blog for some time, you know that a have a few phobias.
Just a few.
I won’t go into listing them all, because like I said, there’s just a few. And, you’ve heard enough about the biscuit cans.
One phobia I deal with is the point in time when my hands have to touch raw meat. (and I’m a pretty good cook despite this fact)
Ground meat, in particular, is the worst for me.
But, equally disgusting to me is chicken. And, don’t even get me started on the raw chicken juice.
Give me a good steak or fish and I’m fine. I could touch and pat them all day long. No phobia. No grossing out. No gagging.
But, sometimes, you just have to deal with it. (A statement that La Petite Belle reminded me that I say to her all the time).
So, I did.
I dealt with it.
And, not with one chicken, but two WHOLE chickens.
Touching a chicken breast is a piece of cake compared to handling a whole chicken.
You see, you have to deal with the parts inside the chicken to cook the chicken. I don’t understand why they don’t just take those parts out. Why am I left to remove them?
The innards include parts no one I know eats. I think it’ s like a liver, a kidney, and a spleen or something like that. But, don’t quote me. That’s what I imagined they were as I was pulling them out of the chicken … not once, but twice. Twice.
Of course, I tried using a fork and knife and squeezing the chicken first before I maneuvered my hand into the cavity of the birds. You really have to use your hands. You just do.
You may wonder why I didn’t just get Beau to do it. He’s my go-to raw-meat-toucher guy.
Well, I would have, but he wasn’t home and the chicken had to get in the oven.
After a lot of self-talk and “Ewww”s and talking to the dead chickens themselves and washing my hands 16 times inbetween steps, I finally removed the unwanted parts.
I was quite proud of myself.
And, the results … delicious.

If you don’t have a terra cotta baker, get one. It’s the best way to bake chicken … so moist and flavorful.
And, if this were to happen to me, I would probably have a heart attack. (one of my favorite “Friends” clips)