You either are a breakfast-eater or you aren’t.
I have turned into one since I stopped teaching … more time to eat in the morning.
And, I’ve discovered something really important: Skinny people eat breakfast. They do.
I’ve also realized that you burn more calories by eating breakfast and starting up your metabolism.
And, when you eat breakfast, you’re not starving at lunch and gorge yourself at that time.
I have to force La Petite Belle to eat breakfast in the morning if we don’t have Pop Tarts or Nutri-Grain bars in the house. That’s her standard not-so-great breakfast choice. Out of the 231 types of cereal, she only likes two: Cheerios (good) and Reese’s Puffs (bad).
We had a discussion about all the good things eating breakfast does, including giving her energy for school.
No dice. She’s still not convinced.
So, I made this wise, motherly statement: You know who doesn’t eat breakfast? Fat people. (which, of course, isn’t true) You know how you say dumb things to get your point across? That’s pretty much the story of my life.
Then, La Petite Belle, without skipping a beat said, in a cocky, yet innocent voice, “Then, Daaaadddddy, what did YOU eat for breakfast?” (implying that Daddy is fat)
Boom. Roasted.
Not sure where she gets her sassy wit from.