Roxy got a haircut yesterday, which she desperately needed. She was one scruffy, stinky pup! I told the groomer to please cut her hair very short, even her skirt. Well, she did what I asked and her body hair is very short, but she didn’t cut around her face short at all. Beau says it’s amazing that she can balance that head with her little body. To me she looks like the Australian frilled neck lizard – big head, little bitty body.

Anyway, I should not be sitting down right now, but continuing to pack. We leave at noon today and should be in Atlanta between 9 or 10 tonight. I know you all envy me … 9 – 10 hours in the vehicle with two bored children. It should be a blast (sarcasm). No, really, I bought lots of coloring books, activity pads, games, and we have the DVD player (9 hours of non-stop movie watching – the very thing we tell them they shouldn’t do … oh well, it’s vacation).
I plan on posting pictures every day from our trip, so that you all can come along with me. It should be fun. I’ll post again tomorrow. We actually won’t get into Virginia until Saturday night. We’ll be staying at a friend’s house tonight and tomorrow. I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it! I’m probably more excited than my kids and definitely more excited than Beau. So, I’ll get back to packing.