I know that you all are dying to hear about our trip to NYC, but I don’t want to bore you with all the details (except for the post on just the food planned for tomorrow).
Here are the highlights.
Best Moment:

Although it was a balmy 17 degrees, with the wind chill of 2, it was amazing to be at the top of the Empire State Building. Not because of the beauty of the city that absolutely takes your breath away … oh wait, that was just me not being able to breathe, trying to ignore my fear that the whole building would collapse and I would plummet to my death … but it was a special moment Beau planned for me.
Amidst all the people, he pulled me to the edge, and said some sweet words that brought tears to his and my eyes. He took my ring and vowed that, after 15 years, he would marry me all over again. He’s so good at this stuff. Then, he said, “OK. Your turn.” I fumbled over my words and placed his ring back on his finger. I’m not good at this stuff at all.
It was definitely the best moment.
2nd Place for Best Moment:
Rockefeller Center at Christmas … nothing like it.
(FYI: The tree … much smaller in person, but still fabulous.)
Worst Moment:
Walking through the Blizzard of 2009 after several flight cancellations –
This is Beau using GPS on his iPhone to get us to where we were going to stay for the night. (All iPhone users be warned: GPS doesn’t work well when you’re walking on sidewalks. It was the longest walk in history.)

Standing in the snow and waiting for Beau to tell me which way to roll my luggage through the blizzardy streets

But, God provided a place for us so that we wouldn’t have to spend over 24 hours in the airport waiting for our flight the next night.
These people were our lifesavers … friends from home that were spending the weekend in NYC.
Thank God for the Roys!

We were happy again.

And, the next day, when the blizzard was over … snow the way God intended it.

2nd Place for Worst Moment:
Taking the subway in the wrong direction – Pictures would have been inappropriate and stupid.
We ended up in the Bronx and definitely stuck out like a sore thumb. The scenery quickly changed from sparkly Times Square to an episode of “Good Times.” We made it through this one-hour subway ride, although I thought we might not at times. It did allow me to see a part of NY that a lot of tourists wouldn’t normally plan. (I suggested we get off at the next stop when we realized where we were going. Beau, on the other hand, had the bright idea to ride it all the way up and then back.)
The trip was one of the best I’ve ever taken.
Tomorrow … the food …