Last night, Beau and I had a date night. Girls come back today, so we had to get our last hoorah in. 

On our way home from work, I told Beau that I was perfectly content to order take-out and stay home. Beau is always adamantly opposed to not eating at a restaurant. I love eating at home. Go figure.
It’s become all about comfort for me. (I know I’m showing my age.)
He says he doesn’t like having to clean up the mess at home. Ummm … wait … who cleans up the mess? I’m fine with it.
He says he likes it when people serve him. Don’t I know it.
We spent about 30 minutes trying to decide where we were going to go. I was not backing down from my no-Mexican stance (I had eaten chips & salsa for lunch).
Finally, we decided on The Bonefish Grill, a restaurant we had never been to.
Of course, I had to change my clothes and spend all kinds of effort trying to make myself look like a good date, when really I just wanted to put my pajamas on and eat Chinese out of one of those cute little boxes.
Well, let me just tell you, it was well worth the effort.
Everything from the salad to the dessert was delicious.
But, my favorite, the creme’ brulee was divine.

After we ate this, Beau asked me if I wanted to order another one. I said no, but really wanted to. It’s so hard being the disciplined one (cough).

The dessert in itself was well worth the dress, the heels, and the touched-up lipstick. (Oh, and the date too.)