It’s the best sentence that describes my life right now.
It’s also the best excuse I have for acting any way other than my original way.
And, boy, it’s a doozie.
I blame these statements:
“If our pursuit has moved from reasonable attention to a veritable obsession, we’d better search our souls for what’s driving us.”
“You and I are going to have to come to a place where we stop handing people the kind of power only God should wield over us.”

“Our challenge is to let the healthy, utterly whole, and completely secure part of us increasingly overtake our earthen vessels until it drives our every emotion, reaction, and relationship.” (all Beth Moore)
I’m having to take a good, hard look at myself. And, I’m not really liking what I see.
My poor Beau.
I usually don’t bother him with the crazy things that go on in my head.
But, he begged.
I answered and I’m sure he wished he hadn’t asked.
I warned him.
As much as he tries, he just can’t understand. And, that’s understandable to me because, honestly, I am also baffled by my own mind.
Truly taking a look at yourself and the motives of your heart is not fun at all.
It’s quite painful.
Let’s just say I have an ugly heart, which is to be expected, since the Bible says that man’s heart is wicked above all things.
All. Things.
There’s nothing worse than a person’s heart.
Just when you think you’re doing alright and you’re not that bad of a person, that wicked heart rears its ugly head.
Jeremiah 17:9
9-10“The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful,
a puzzle that no one can figure out.
But I, God, search the heart
and examine the mind.
I get to the heart of the human.
I get to the root of things.
I treat them as they really are,
not as they pretend to be.”
Wow! That last line got me.
Yeah, I don’t like what I see. I want to change.
The problem is that I remain the same.
I keep facing the same issues. The same issues in the same areas of my life. You’d think I’d have learned a thing or two by now.
I mean … I’m pushing a certain age here, people, and I should be way more in tune to who God is and who I am. I’ve been a Christian for 18 years and there are still dumb issues that I struggle with that I shouldn’t because of my confidence in God.
It actually makes me angry. Irritated. Frustrated. And, then makes me feel more like a failure because I am not moving toward a new place.
It’s time to move on here.
Just move on, Mama Belle.