Strange how my mental state can change from one minute to the next.

One minute, I feel totally fine about me. In the next minute, I am totally disgusted with myself.
I hate it.
I am my own worst enemy.
I hate so many things about myself. 
And, the world we live in doesn’t help. Women, we are bombarded by images and ideals that we can never live up to.
I can spend a whole day in torment … my mind speaking things like, “you are so fat,” “you’re disgusting,” “your friends don’t really like you,” “you will never be pretty enough,” “you will never be good enough,” “there are so many people better than you at so many things,” … the list goes on.
This is common. If you’ve spent any time here, you know that. Don’t worry. I’m used to it.
But, I still hate it. I don’t want to have these thoughts.
Last week, as I was praying, I cried.
I cried because of how I break the heart of my Lord, my God, every single time I do this.
Every single complaint I have about myself … His creation, His daughter, His treasure … breaks the heart of my Father.
I felt the pain that He must feel, when He spoke … “How would you feel if your daughters felt this way about themselves? How would you feel if your daughters said such horrible things about themselves?”
Answer … it would kill me.
What would I say to them? I would say, “How dare you say that about yourself? You are beautiful, created by God, designed for His purpose.” I would want to hold them and love on them and make them understand the extent of their worth.
I’m trying, Lord. I really am. Just when I think, I’ve got it down, those thoughts rear their ugly, little heads.
Thank you, God, that You love every inch of me.
And, I pray that my daughters will know who they are in Christ and will never doubt their worth, identity, or calling. May they be strong, confident women of God, never wavering in their faith and in the Truth.
(Disclaimer: These are my thoughts. This is my therapy. Don’t you dare say something about how beautiful I am. That’s not what this is about. It’s just something I’m always working through and I hope it helps to know you’re not alone.)