I would be one of the stinkin’ rose bushes out of my flowerbed. These babies are so strong and deep-rooted that nothing I do will or can kill them. Believe me, I’ve tried … the electric hedge trimmers won’t even do it.

If I were a song, I would be Kari Jobe’s, “You Are For Me.”
If I were a movie, I would be “Gone With the Wind.” (no question about that one)

If I were a place, I would be a charming cottage in Nantucket, which beat out Italian villa and Old English cottage by a hair.
If I were a book, I would be Max Lucado’s, “Next Door Savior.” Seriously. One of the only books that I cried through. He is really that close … even closer.
If I were a holiday, I would be Christmas Eve.

If I were a time of day, I would be sunset.
If I were a drink, I would be a skinny (yeah, you know it) cinnamon (spicy) dolce latte with no whip (who wants fluff?) and an extra shot (energetic, baby).
If I were a food, I would be a Deano’s Cajun Executioner pizza (ice cream, a close second).
This pic is only half Cajun Executioner, but close enough.
If I were a gadget, I would be Beau’s iphone.
If I were a piece of clothing, I would be the little black dress. Always in style no matter what.
If I were a shoe, I would be these Jessica Simpson red beauties. Every woman NEEDS a pair of red heels. Just sayin’.

Thanks, Lula.
How ’bout you?